Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Luxuries of Summer

It's been quite a while since I have decided to write something about anything. This summer has been an interesting one. Working the least I probably ever have in my life had left me with those extra hours everyone wishes they had to do those self-inspiring actions, like: walking around in your underwear, sleeping in until 1200, and generally doing fuck all. Yes, this has been my summer! All those conversations about taking summer French courses, attempting the gym everyday, working towards future essentials like security and firearms licenses have all washed down like the tall can of Mad Tom I'm drinking now. If you have never tried Muskoka Breweries Mad Tom IPA, go now. Hit your local Beer Store or LCBO (if you're in Quebec, depanneur; in the States, the store (is it even available in the US?)) and drink back that can of smooth, bitter, and downright delicious beverage.

But that's what summer is all about right? Enjoying the warm, humid, sticky weather with a brew or two at your local patio, friends in tow. When really I'd rather be sitting in a classroom with like-minded people interested in learning the knowledge of the past and the inventions of the future. Don't get me wrong, there will still be brews and BBQ's. I guess to cut it short, I miss the pace of always having to be somewhere at sometime, doing something.

Now we've come full circle. Remember at the start of our conversation. I had mentioned my interest in taking summer courses or introducing myself to new hobbies. This is the mind of a 25 year old college student still lost in the least puzzling, straight maze called life. Is it lack of an achievement or goal oriented mind? Extreme laziness? Low esteem and/or confidence? I'll figure it out one day.

So, I have instead decided to submerse myself in some modern entertainment: music, movies, TV, and video games.


Daft Punk - Random Access Memory
This is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. Solid from start to finish. I feel this is the most "pop" like album from Daft Punk. This album will, if it hasn't already, expand Daft Punk's fan base. My all-time favorite album is Alive 2007. Sure. it's a live album. But it's so raw and aggressive, keeping the funk flowing through you for an hour and a quarter.

Kanye West - Yeezus
Horrible. I'm gonna do what I did with 808's & Heartbreaks, never listen to it again. What happened Yeezy?

Cosmograf - The Man Left in Space
My new favorite album. Everyone who knows me would probably think I like this album solely do to its content matter; space. This is a prog-rock album, bringing you back to the days of Pink Floyd and Zeppelin. It's solid, with some psychedelic solo's with a slower tempo. I lose myself to this album every time it is on.


The Thing (1982)
Your standard trapped in an isolated area with a monster afoot horror movie. It was enjoyable, with Kurt Russel showing us his toned down version of Snake from Escape from New York.

Forbidden Planet (1956)
This movie has made me appreciate older films. Great concept with intergalactic colonies and ancient alien races. With the technology we have today, why can't writers create great story lines such as this and integrate them. If they story isn't good, the visuals don't matter!

Blade Runner (1982)
Harrison Ford strikes again. At least I believe it's Harrison Ford. I'm too lazy to use the Google feature, and would rather get embarrassed web wide instead.

Brazil (1985)
Think Monty Python mixed with some twisted and delusional ideas.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
This was a good movie! There seemed to be a lack of climax nearing the end of the movie though. It's actually a plausible scenario if you think about it.

Gattaca (1997)
One of my top ten movies to date. The storyline really hit home. Maybe not being genetically altered or a superior being. but the willingness to go to such lengths to achieve a dream in the stars.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Mad Max I, II, III


The War of the Worlds (1953)

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Sorry, I'm not linking them all.


Game of Thrones S3
Falling Skies S3

Video Games

The Last Remnant
Final Fantasy IX
Tomb Raider
NHL 13

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