Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breaking down the barriers...

Do I feel stress when I feel I'm under-prepared?
Do I lack the confidence of my group members to actually complete the tasks at hand?
Do I feel superior to those around me, making their thoughts and opinions obsolete?

Maybe all of the above. I am definitely one to over prepare. There is nothing worse to me than not having a plan. Never will you see me going out on a whim; there is always an itinerary. This could easily be my downfall. All my life I've been told "let loose", "relax", "stop caring so much". I don't know about you, but I was raised to always care and never to run into anything head-on. How do you stand in front of a class, awaiting to begin your discussion, when you don't know the overall feel of the subject at hand? You have no idea what your group members will be discussing, and what views they will take or advocate. You have no idea in what order your slideshow will go in; the overall direction of the discussion is now compromised. How are people comfortable with this approach?!?

I feel that my attributes may also be my downfall. I contemplate most all of my decision and thoughts; over-analyze my situations and roadblocks. I always thought this was a great competency. Who wants to make a decision that will do more harm than good? Then again, how do you learn if you don't make any mistakes? I'm scared to make mistakes, worried to take a step back. Life is all about progression, is it not? This just goes to show how far confidence can take you in life.

It must seem like I could be a Psychology subject. Chapter Four: Discerning the Mind of a College Student.

And now you've learned why I feel compelled to take Psychology in University.

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