Sunday, March 10, 2013

Welcome To All!

...including myself! My name is Mathew Couturier, if you cared not to read the sidebar. I created this blog waaaay back in April of 2010. It was a different life for me at that time. As you can tell from my previous and only posts, I was studying as an artist. Specifically, a video game artist.

I was attending classes at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario, for Video Game Development. To be honest, it's really not that different than an artist of any other genre. The only difference really comes down to technology. You start your concepts and designs on paper, then transfer to digital.

 I was 21 years old at the time. Picture your typical young adult, believing he has an infinite understanding of the world because he knows it rotates once every 24 hours. That was me, living with my high school sweetheart, in a brand new environment. I had just moved to Toronto after spending 20 years in my hometown of Ottawa. Like most whipped young guys, I picked up and left my life to follow my heart. No, not school, education, or a career, but for a girl. After five years, a broken relationship, a college failure, and a soul feeling lost, I decided to make my way back home.

Now here we are! Or, I should say, here I am. Four years older now (25 in May, 2013), I am currently attending Algonquin College for Police Foundations. I am in my first year, second semester. For the first time in my life, I can say that I made the best decision of my life. The teachers that I've met, the students in my class, and the people that I have met through volunteering and participating in school events have made the  biggest impact on me since my early teenage years. I have learned more from these people than I have from almost everyone I've encountered in my life. If you guys are reading this, thank you!!!

Now, currently attempting to complete my third trial in college, you would think that I have a bit of a grasp as to what I plan for myself. In reality, I still have no idea. It always blows my mind to think all the way back to elementary and high school, when teachers would tell you to prepare for your future career, to figure out what you really want to be, and that you can be whatever you want to be. I have no idea what I want to be!! I'm still stuck on my childhood dream to be an astronaut. To this day, I would offer my life in exchange to spend some time in space. But let's be realistic, why don't we. I am almost math-illiterate, without any understanding of a single physics equation. E=Mc2? Sure, energy equals mass something squared. I've decided that astronomy and physics will always be my hobby, something that will keep me from losing my mind when dealing with all of life's ups and downs.

That leads me to some other areas of interest. One of them is the reason that I have started to blog, Journalism. I've always thought that I was a good writer. I have to give a lot of credit to my current Issues in Diversity professor, Mr. Willis. Our assignments consist of online journals relating to First Nations people and diverse cultures, as well as written Media Report summaries. Essentially, all of our assignments involve research on a topic and a written component explaining the topic researched, including our personal thoughts and opinions. Mid-exam, Mr. Willis approaches my desk. I see a slight tap on the corner of my desk. I look up. Mr. Willis, with a clear and strong voice, says to me, "Mat your journals are excellent. You could be a writer". You watch a lot of these movies where a speech or phrase suddenly inspires the protagonist to do something good or complete a personal goal. That's exactly how I felt in that minute. I took it directly to heart. That one phrase has led me to this blog today. Thanks Mr. Willis!

My other field of choice (at the moment) is Psychology. The brain fascinates me, as I think it should everybody. I've always been awkward in social situations. I find it very very hard to understand people, what they do, why they do it, and why people say the things they do. This is where psychology steps  in. Having the ability to learn how the brain works, from the conscious to the unconscious, is amazing. Fruedian theory also interests me. I am determined to figure out why so many people feel his theories are obsolete.

One thing I plan on accomplishing with this blog is to try and explain, all the while learning, some new scientific concepts in everyday language. I'm a firm believer in self-teaching. Absolutely, you learn extremely well from others every day of your life. If you can teach yourself one thing that you didn't know yesterday, you will live a more complete and understanding life. Not only will you leave this world more intelligent, but you will make every one around you that much more informed.

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